Upcoming Exhibition: Haunted (and murals!) / by Sandra Williams

I am horrifically bad at updating this.

Much has happened since the last post-upcoming events, including a sweet return to Alliance, Nebraska’s Carnegie Arts Center. The exhibition Haunted includes much of the work from Anthropocene Blues and a new series called-predictably- Haunted.

My cut paper work came about for various reasons- but mainly influenced by my residency in the Amazon- a period that forced me to take a long, hard look at art materials and practices and their impact on the environment. The other side of that coin deals with the overall murkiness of origins. For those wondering, I always return to Peru because my mother was Peruvian. While she passed 20 years ago, I still go back to that information, the way your tongue probes an open space in your mouth after you have lost a tooth. The vagueness of our indigenous heritage, the long shadow of colonialism, overall erasure, and how it happens.

You can find Los Condenados and La Uma in New Work. Currently, I am working on El Pajaro Malo and El Pishtaco- Concurrently, I am working with cyanotype, which I will sew into dresses and cut. Because why should anything ever be easy.

Comfort is a slow death by fluorescent lighting.